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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Division of Norwich University

Hi folks, I need your help. I'm interested in applying to Norwich University but I'm not sure about their sports division status. Can anyone confirm if they're Division 1? Much thanks!

7 months ago

Norwich University, located in Northfield, Vermont, is a part of NCAA's Division III, not Division I. It's worth noting that the athletic culture at Division III schools is a bit different from Division I schools, as Division III emphasizes the student's academic development alongside their athletic participation. This typically means a balanced approach to training and games, with fewer requirements for athletics leaving more time for academic pursuits.

If you'd be interested in pursuing athletics at a Division I school, it would be beneficial to expand your college search to include such institutions. However, don't let the division level deter you from considering Norwich if you're otherwise interested - it's quite possible to have a valuable and memorable athletic experience at a Division III school. You might want to look into the specific sports teams you're interested in at Norwich to get a better feel for their program.

7 months ago

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