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Ithaca College and Diversity

Hey folks, I'm looking at Ithaca College for my undergrad studies and something that's important to me is diversity on campus. Does anyone have any insights into the level of diversity at Ithaca College? Thanks in advance.

7 months ago

Ithaca College indeed cares about creating a diverse and inclusive campus environment. The college features a comprehensive structure for diversity and inclusion that involves several institutional initiatives and bodies like the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Center for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Social Change (IDEAS). They put particular emphasis on bringing in a range of diverse voices in their programs and events.

In terms of student makeup, you might find it helpful to know that Ithaca's student body comprises a mix of different races and ethnicities. As of the latest available data, approximately 70% of the student body identifies as White, while the remaining students come from various racial and ethnic backgrounds. Around 14% are from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, with Hispanic students being the largest percentage amongst these.

There are also many student clubs and organizations focused on promoting a diverse culture and an inclusive environment. For instance, the college hosts various culture- and identity-based student organizations, which celebrate the unique backgrounds and identities of their members.

While it's important to note that the experience of diversity can still vary from student to student, Ithaca College certainly makes an intentional effort to prioritize diversity and inclusion in their institutional environment. However, you might want to tour the campus (if possible), attend a few events or connect with current students to get a first-hand feel for the atmosphere.

7 months ago

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