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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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About JMU's Finance Major

Hi, I'm interested in James Madison University's (JMU) finance major. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on the program there? Thanks so much!

7 months ago

Sure thing! The College of Business at JMU is recognized for the quality of its programs, including the finance major. The curriculum combines rigorous coursework with practical applications, preparing students for a variety of careers in the financial sector.

You'd take courses in areas like financial management, investments, financial markets & institutions, and international financial management. To add a real-world touch, JMU has student-managed investment funds through the Madison Investment Fund. Through these funds, undergraduate finance students have the opportunity to manage portfolios using real money, which is fantastic practical experience.

If getting involved in finance research is of interest to you, amplifying your analytical skills and critical thinking, there are also opportunities to collaborate with faculty or engage with the School of Strategic Leadership Studies.

Graduates of the program often land jobs in investment banking, portfolio management, financial analysis, and consulting, among other areas.

Remember, though, to deeply consider your career goals and aspirations, as they should align with your chosen major and future program – in this case, Finance at JMU.

7 months ago

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