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Best Journalism Colleges in NYC

Hey guys, just a quick question from a hopeful future journalist. What would you say are some of the top colleges for journalism in NYC? Hoping to get some local insights. Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Sure, happy to provide some insights!

1. Columbia University: Columbia is home to the world-renowned Columbia Journalism School. However, keep in mind that the undergraduate programs at Columbia don't specifically offer a journalism major. Instead, you might consider pursuing a major in English or Political Science, or other areas of interest that would complement your potential journalism career. You could also potentially partake in journalism-related extracurricular activities or internships in the city.

2. New York University: NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute is highly regarded and offers a robust undergraduate journalism program. They offer a BA in Journalism and the concentration in Journalism allows students to pair this focus with a broad range of disciplines, such as History, Economics, Politics, or Literature which could offer an enriching perspective in your journalism career.

3. CUNY - City College: The City College of New York (CUNY) represents a more cost-effective option with their BA in Journalism and the News Media. Offering both theory and practical skills, the program provides students with hands-on experience in the journalism industry.

4. Fordham University: While it doesn't spotlight a journalism major, Fordham offers a strong Communications and Media Studies program with the opportunity to specialize in journalism. Its location in the Bronx provides connections to countless media outlets for internships and post-grad opportunities.

5. Pace University: Pace offers a BA in English with a concentration in journalism. The program emphasizes multimedia communication, a key skill for modern journalists.

Remember, your choice should not solely depend on the preeminence of the Journalism program. Consider other aspects like internships, networking opportunities, on-campus media outlets, and the overall feel of the school too. New York City has an abundance of opportunities in this field, so no matter where you end up, you're likely to find advantageous journalism experiences.

7 months ago

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