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Inquiring about Journalism Program at UNLV

Hi all, I've been researching about UNLV's journalism program lately but I haven't found a ton of student opinions. Any chance any of you have experience or feedback about their program? Much appreciated!

7 months ago

It's important to remember that experiences can greatly vary depending on a myriad of factors, ranging from a student's unique career goals, extracurricular involvement, faculty relationships, and much more. It's always a good idea to reach out to current students or recent alumni who can provide firsthand information about their experiences.

As a general overview, the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies at UNLV offers various specializations including journalism and media studies, integrated marketing communications, and media production. This gives you a decent amount of flexibility in tailoring your studies according to your specific interests.

Many students value the school's commitment to teaching practical, real-world skills applicable to the rapidly evolving media landscape. The faculty is made up of experienced professionals who have worked in the industry, and there are a variety of internship and networking opportunities available.

Another great resource is the student-run media organization called the Rebel Report. This outlet offers students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience.

While course rigor and learning outcomes can depend on individual perspectives, the program's commitment to practical skills development and exposure to industry norms and standards is generally well regarded.

Remember to consider how well any program fits with your own unique goals and learning style, and visit the campus if you can, to see how you feel about the overall environment. And don't hesitate to reach out to the department directly with specific questions or to request contact information for current students or alumni who may be willing to share their experiences.

7 months ago

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