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Kent State Nursing Program Acceptance Rate

Hi everyone! I'm really interested in the nursing program at Kent State, but I'm a little stressed about the acceptance rate. Does anyone have any info or advice about getting in? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hey! Kent State University's College of Nursing is indeed competitive, as is the case with most nursing programs. While the university as a whole may have a relatively high acceptance rate, the nursing program itself tends to be more selective. However, Kent State does not publicly release specific acceptance rates for its Nursing program, so it's hard to provide an exact figure.

That being said, acceptance to the nursing program primarily depends on your academic record. For example, you need to complete pre-nursing coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.75, although higher is usually more competitive. As well, applicants need to score a minimum of 72% on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS).

It's also important to mention that meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as the process is competitive. Applicants are ranked based on their performance in the pre-nursing coursework and the TEAS test.

I suggest focusing on doing well on the required prerequisite courses and preparing thoroughly for the TEAS exam. Also, it might be beneficial to get some experience in the healthcare field, if possible, to enhance your application.

Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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