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Kinesiology Major Colleges in California - Suggestions?

Yo everyone! I'm really interested in kinesiology and I'm considering colleges in California. Does anybody have suggestions for colleges that have strong kinesiology programs in the state? Thanks heaps!

7 months ago

Hello! You're in luck because California has several colleges with distinguished kinesiology programs.

You might want to consider San Diego State University (SDSU). It is known for its rigorous undergraduate kinesiology program and offers several emphasis areas, such as fitness instruction, physical therapy, and pre-athletic training. Furthermore, SDSU's Exercise and Nutritional Sciences department provides excellent research opportunities to undergraduates.

Another great option is the University of Southern California (USC). USC's kinesiology program is top-ranked nationally and emphasizes research and practical experience. They offer a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology with a concentration in Applied Physiology, which could be a fitting choice if you're interested in the science behind physical activity.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo also has a well-regarded Kinesiology and Public Health Department. They offer various concentrations based on your career aspirations, including exercise science, health science, and sports science. Additionally, there are plenty of research opportunities and hands-on learning experiences at Cal Poly SLO.

Lastly, there's California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). Their kinesiology department provides a variety of concentrations, including exercise science, fitness, and sports psychology. It's a comprehensive program that also offers internship opportunities.

Remember, the best kinesiology program for you will depend on your specific interests and career goals in the field. So, make sure to check out these schools' programs and see which one aligns best with your needs. Best of luck!

7 months ago

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