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Louisiana Tech Degree Help

Hey everyone, I am thinking about applying to Louisiana Tech and I was wondering if anybody could share about the degrees they offer. What are the most popular ones? And do students generally find the programs to be good quality? Thanks, peeps!

7 months ago


Louisiana Tech is a solid choice of school for several fields. Among its broad range of programs, engineering, business, health professions, education, and liberal arts are especially popular ones. The most enrolled majors are Mechanical Engineering, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, and Business Administration and Management, which goes to show the diversity in their strengths.

In terms of quality, Louisiana Tech has received generally positive feedback from students and faculty alike. Particularly, their engineering programs are consistently recognized for their rigorous coursework and high job placement rates post-graduation. Moreover, the school's small class sizes allow for individualized attention, which is often appreciated by students looking for a more personalized academic experience.

Similarly, their business programs have received acclaim as well, especially since they're accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), which is a globally recognized business school accreditation. This provides assurance to students that the education they're receiving meets a certain quality standard in terms of faculty, curriculum, resources, and more.

It's advisable to take a deeper look into the department faculty, curriculum, and student reviews pertaining to the courses you're interested in. You can also email the faculty members or department chairs to ask them more specific questions about their programs. This will give you an even better understanding of what you can expect should you choose to attend.

Wishing you the best in your application process!

7 months ago

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