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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Limestone University?

Hi guys, does anyone have any thoughts on Limestone University's ranking? I've been seeing mixed reviews online, so it would be cool to hear from someone who's actually attended.

7 months ago

While I haven't personally attended Limestone University, I do have some insights on it. Limestone is a relatively small, private university located in Gaffney, South Carolina. It serves around 3,500 students and offers undergraduate degrees in fields ranging from Business to Psychology, as well as graduate programs like MBA and MSW.

In terms of rankings, they can be somewhat subjective and often depend on what criteria is given the most weight. National ranking bodies like U.S. News & World Report rank Limestone University within the Regional Universities South category, which might be considered a lower tier when compared to National Universities.

That being said, ranking is not the be-all and end-all of determining if a university is a good fit. As with any school, it's important to evaluate the academic offerings relevant to your interests and goals. If you're pursuing a specific major, such as Business, it might be worth looking at the outcomes of the specific program. The number of internships available, the satisfaction rate of majors, the full-time job placement rate after graduation, and other such indicators can provide more valuable insights than a generalized ranking.

Limestone is known for its small class sizes, which can lead to more personalized attention and relationship-building with professors. The on-campus community is quite tight-knit, and this is something that many students find appealing. Additionally, the school put a lot of emphasis on providing "real world" experiences, which could be opportunities for internships, research, or study abroad programs.

Of course, one of the best ways to get a feel for a school is to visit the campus, talk to current students, or connect with alumni if possible. This can often give you a perspective that goes beyond official rankings and statistics. Just remember, the best college is the one that fits you - your educational goals, personal preferences, and financial situation.

7 months ago

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