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Grad Rate at Lincoln University?

Hey guys, I've been looking into Lincoln University for a while now and want some inside info on the graduation rate. Is it high? Does the college provide enough support for its students? Any info would be really appreciated!

7 months ago

Sure, let's delve into some facts regarding Lincoln University's graduation rates.

As per the reported data, Lincoln University's 6-year graduation rate stands around 48%. This means that close to half of the students who enroll at Lincoln University usually complete their studies and graduate within six years.

However, keep in mind that graduating within the set time frame could effectively be influenced by a number of factors including changes in students' financial circumstances, academic interests, personal challenges among other unforeseen occurrences.

Speaking of support, Lincoln University offers several resources to aid student success. For example, they have various academic support services, such as tutoring and writing centers, which aim to help students with their academic work. The university also provides students with a variety of student services, including mentoring programs, career center, counseling services, and more, which aim to help learners navigate through college life smoothly.

Additionally, their faculty is also known for the support they offer to students both in clearing academic as well as personal hurdles. This combined with the numerous resources, give a holistic support system that a student might need.

Ultimately, it is majorly up to students to utilize these organisational offerings effectively to succeed. As you consider any college, it's important to consider your personal needs, academic goals, and self-discipline to navigate college successfully.

7 months ago

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