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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's Linfield University like?

Hello everyone, I'm considering Linfield University and interested in their ranking. How's the college overall? Is it truly worth it in terms of academics and campus life? Would appreciate some genuine responses!

7 months ago

Linfield University is a private institution known for its strong academics and rich traditions. The school's focus lies in liberal arts, science, and professional programs. The student-to-faculty ratio is a positive aspect, at 11:1, which means smaller classes and more personalized attention from professors. Linfield's emphasis on undergraduate research, internships and study abroad programs can provide you with real-world experience and opportunities to expand your horizons, invaluable for your future career or continued studies.

As far as rankings go, it's essential to remember that rankings usually reflect broad metrics and might not specifically cater to individual priorities. However, it performs well in regional university rankings in the West and is particularly known for its Nursing program.

In regards to campus life, it offers a vibrant atmosphere with many opportunities for student engagement and leadership. The campus is located in McMinnville, Oregon, a small, friendly city known for its picturesque downtown and surrounding wine country, which provides a lively and scenic environment.

The decision on whether or not a school is 'worth it' should ultimately be based on if it aligns with your own priorities and objectives. Some important factors to consider could include the academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, location, financial aid, and campus culture. Take time to visit the campus if possible, or attend virtual open tours, reach out to current students or alumni to get a personal perspective about their experience.

Bottom line, while Linfield University offers a lot of positive aspects, the "worth" is subjective and will vary based on what you're looking for in a college experience.

7 months ago

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