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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Considering Hillsdale College, where's it at?

I've been reading up on Hillsdale College and I'm interested, but I couldn't quite remember its location. Would anyone be able to help me out, and perhaps share what the surrounding area is like? Appreciate any insight you could provide!

7 months ago

Hillsdale College is located in Hillsdale, Michigan, which is in the south-central part of the state. Although the town itself is small (with a population of under 10,000), it has a cozy, tight-knit community feel that many students appreciate.

As a college town, Hillsdale offers a variety of amenities including retail shops, restaurants, parks, and even a community theater. It's primarily residential, which gives it a quiet and safe ambiance, especially important for those who prefer a tranquil environment for their studies.

While the town may be small, the college continuously hosts a range of events, from lectures to musical performances to athletic games, which keeps the campus lively and engaging.

For those interested in exploring beyond Hillsdale, larger cities like Ann Arbor and Detroit are a couple of hours away by car. These places offer a wider range of cultural and entertainment options if you're looking for a change of pace.

Overall, the composition of Hillsdale's small-town charm coupled with the vibrancy of the college community offers a unique environment conducive to focused study while still providing an array of activities for campus life engagement.

7 months ago

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