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SAT: 720 math
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Purdue University in Indiana - Where exactly?

Hey guys! Quick silly question - where in Indiana is Purdue University? I'm considering applying and want to know more about the location and the surroundings. Thanks for the help!

7 months ago

Purdue University is located in West Lafayette, Indiana. It's a town situated roughly midway level in the state of Indiana, near the western border. Being a college town, West Lafayette is largely built around the university, leading to a supportive and friendly environment for students.

The town itself is modest in size but offers just about everything one could need - vibrant restaurants, parks, and even shopping centers. There's the Wabash River nearby for some beautiful riverside walks or if you're up for watersports.

If you're looking for a bit more excitement and variety, Lafayette, which is the larger twin city situated to the east, and Indianapolis, the state capital, is about an hour's drive away. Both offer a host of larger-scale entertainment, dining, and shopping options.

Overall, West Lafayette is definitely a peaceful, safe, and thriving community that students often find a joy to stay in. Do consider trying to visit the campus, if that's possible for you, to get a feel of the place.

Hope this answers your questions and good luck with your applications!

7 months ago

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