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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is South Carolina State University located?

Hey everyone! I'm doing a little research and I'm curious about the location of South Carolina State University. Can anyone provide some information about the city or town it's in? What's the surrounding area like? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

7 months ago

South Carolina State University is located in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Orangeburg is a small city that offers a tranquil and scenic living environment with an appeal of Southern charm.

The city itself provides students with a number of amenities such as local restaurants, shops, and historical sites to explore. However, it does have a smaller population than larger cities, so the pace of life is a bit slower and quieter.

Orangeburg is known for its numerous gardens, parks, and the Edisto Memorial Gardens in particular, which is home to award-winning roses. These provide great locations for study breaks and relaxation. It's also home to the IP Stanback Museum and Planetarium, offering some unique educational experiences.

While the immediate surroundings of Orangeburg are primarily comprised of rural areas and small towns, the city is not too far from larger destinations. It's roughly an hour and a half drive from Charleston, which gives students access to a larger city experience on occasion if desired.

Ultimately, it's a great place for students who enjoy a close-knit community and outdoor activities. It's compact, friendly, and steeped in local history, yet it's not too far from larger cities when you want a change of scene.

7 months ago

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