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How's the Engineering Program at Long Beach State?

Hey there! I'm just doing my homework on schools with good engineering programs and stumbled upon Long Beach State. Any students or alumni here who can share their thoughts about the strength of their engineering curriculum? Thanks!

7 months ago

Long Beach State, officially known as California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), does offer a solid engineering program known for its hands-on approach to education. The College of Engineering at CSULB offers undergraduate and graduate programs across several disciplines, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering, and computer engineering, among others.

The college is recognized for its smaller class sizes compared to typical large-state schools which foster a more personalized learning environment. One key advantage of studying engineering at CSULB is the school's close relationship with industry partners in the surrounding areas. Many students have the opportunity to gain practical work experience through internships and co-op programs even during their undergrad years. This can give students a significant edge when it comes to job placement after graduation.

As for the faculty, many professors at CSULB's College of Engineering not only have academic experience but also professional experience in their respective fields. This leads to a curriculum that is both theoretically grounded and practically relevant, enabling students to acquire skills that are industry-ready.

That being said, keep in mind that success in any engineering program largely depends on the initiative taken by the individual students. Studying hard, seeking internship opportunities, connecting with professors, and participating in extracurricular activities, like engineering clubs or competitions can all contribute to your experience.

Hope this provides a clearer picture of what to expect from the engineering program at Long Beach State!

7 months ago

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