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Can anyone provide info on the Industrial Design program at Long Beach State?

Hi everyone, I'm strongly interested in Industrial Design and I heard that Long Beach State has a program. Is it any good? Can students or grads share their experiences with it? Thanks in advance.

7 months ago

Long Beach State, also known as California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), indeed has an Industrial Design program that is quite well-regarded. The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design (BSID) is a four-year degree program that prepares students for a professional career in the design of products that enhance the quality of life, increase business success, and benefit society.

One of the standout features of this program is its blend of both theoretical and practical learning. You'll be expected to take courses in design thinking and process, research methodologies, material and manufacturing processes, environmental impacts of design decisions, and user-centered design. What's more, you will also be exposed to professional practices, entrepreneurship, and business strategies. This balance of theory and practice ensures a well-rounded understanding, preparing you for a range of industry roles.

Another notable aspect is the partnerships that Long Beach State has with numerous local businesses. This strengthens the pathway towards internships and job opportunities. I’ve heard from several students who found robust experiential learning opportunities, including internships and cooperative education opportunities, thanks to these partnerships. Also, given its Southern California location, CSULB is nicely situated close to a diverse range of industries including tech, entertainment, and aerospace, among others.

Remember, though, that like any program, it's critical that you research to make sure it aligns with your career ambitions and learning preferences. I'd suggest reaching out to some current students or recent graduates on LinkedIn for more firsthand experiences, or perhaps getting in touch with the program director or faculty who could provide detailed information specific to your interests and goals.

7 months ago

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