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Curious about the Online Degrees offered by Loyola Chicago

Hello there, has anyone here got any experience with Loyola Chicago's online degrees? I am considering the flexible learning route due to commitments at home. What opinions can you guys share about the program structure and its recognition?

7 months ago

Loyola Chicago's online programs offer an effective way to participate in flexible learning. From what I know, they offer a variety of disciplines for undergraduate and graduate students to complete their degrees online.

As for the program structure, online degrees aim to deliver the same rigorous and engaging coursework as the on-campus programs. Students have access to learn from the same faculty who teach on campus and are given access to digital resources similar to traditional students. Instruction usually involves a mix of recorded lectures, interactive online discussions, collaborative projects, and real-time virtual class meetings.

The online programs use portals like Sakai or Canvas, enabling students to access coursework, submit assignments, participate in discussions, and even take quizzes or exams. Another positive aspect is that these online programs recognize the need for interaction among peers and between professors which is well facilitated through these online portals.

Concerning recognition, the degree you receive upon completion of online programs at Loyola Chicago is the same as that award for the on-campus programs. The diploma doesn't differentiate the delivery mode. The University has an accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, making its degrees acknowledged both nationally and globally.

One crucial aspect is to ensure that any online program aligns with your personal learning style and motivations. The online route requires a good deal of self-discipline and time management skills. As long as you're comfortable with the online mode of learning and can keep up with the coursework, it can be a viable and rewarding option for you.

7 months ago

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