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Mount Holyoke College Job Outcomes

So I've been looking into Mount Holyoke College recently, not sure about what to expect after graduation though. Does anyone know what the job outcomes look like for Mount Holyoke grads?

23 days ago

Mount Holyoke College boasts a strong post-graduation trajectory for its students. The college has a robust academic program and a comprehensive career development center, which play significant roles in preparing students for their professional lives.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly had an impact on job outcomes across the board for recent graduates, the most recent data from Mount Holyoke indicates that a high proportion of its graduates are employed or in graduate school within the first six months post-graduation. Specifically, around 70% of graduates find employment and approximately 20% go on to pursue further education.

The school's graduates work in a variety of fields, with the most common being in education, healthcare, fine arts, technology, and the non-profit sector. Some top employers of Mount Holyoke College graduates include prominent organizations such as Goldman Sachs, Google, and Partners Healthcare.

In addition to success in finding employment, Mount Holyoke graduates also tend to earn competitive salaries. On average, the starting salary is around $50,000, but this can vary heavily depending on the industry and location.

Should you decide to attend Mount Holyoke, be sure to utilize their career development center. They offer many resources to support your career search, including job fairs, workshops, internship placement, and networking events.

Again, this information varies from year to year, but generally, Mount Holyoke graduates have a high rate of positive job outcomes, which reflects the strength of their academic program and their dedicated career counseling services.

23 days ago

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