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Reality check on New England Conservatory of Music rankings?

I'm thinking about applying to the New England Conservatory of Music. It looks great and all, but I'm feeling a bit lost on how it truly stacks up against other music schools. Can anyone with first-hand knowledge give me a rundown on its reputation, teaching quality, facilities, etc?

5 months ago

The New England Conservatory (NEC) is often considered one of the top music schools in the United States – it's nestled right up there with the likes of Juilliard and the Curtis Institute of Music. If you're looking for a place that puts music education first and foremost, NEC could be just the fit for you.

NEC has a reputation for a strong faculty filled with accomplished and dedicated professionals. Their instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and are often acclaimed musicians themselves, with vibrant careers outside of teaching. It's also important to remember that a big part of the value comes from private lessons with those faculty members - the quality of instruction being tailored to your musical aspirations can play a significant role in your overall growth as a musician.

As for facilities, NEC has to its credit a number of great resources for students. Jordan Hall, the main performance space, is a National Historic Landmark and is renowned for its superior acoustics. The school also offers high-quality practice rooms and studios, a well-maintained music library, and recording studios for advanced coursework and projects.

In terms of reputation, NEC certainly holds its ground. It continually makes the lists of top music schools in the world. Of course, music school rankings can depend heavily on the specific area of study - e.g., vocal performance, composition, instrumental, jazz, etc. So it might be helpful to look at program-specific rankings as well.

But rankings aside, what will matter most is if NEC can provide the kind of music education that suits your unique needs and aspirations. I recommend reaching out to current students or alumni to get their personal insights. Also, consider visiting the campus if possible - sitting in on classes, observing rehearsals, or attending performances could give you a valuable sense of whether NEC resonates with you as a potential student. Best of luck on your journey!

5 months ago

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