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Swarthmore College: D1?

I'm eyeing Swarthmore College, love the campus vibes but I'm curious about its sports scene. Is it a D1 college?

21 days ago

Swarthmore College is not a Division 1 (D1) college when it comes to athletics. It's part of the NCAA Division III and is a member of the Centennial Conference, which is primarily made up of small, private, liberal arts colleges. Division III places a higher emphasis on the overall student experience and less on athletics when compared to Division I schools.

Athletes at Swarthmore, similar to other DIII schools, are not awarded sports-based scholarships. This, however, does not deter their commitment to their chosen sports, and the school has a rich tradition of fielding competitive teams.

While the atmosphere at DIII colleges is typically less competitive than at D1 or D2 schools, it doesn't mean that the sports scene is non-existent. Swarthmore fields teams in about 22 varsity sports including football, basketball, baseball, field hockey, and soccer among others.

So, while you won't find the big stadium experiences of a D1 school at Swarthmore, you get an environment where academics and athletics can blend more harmoniously.

21 days ago

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