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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where Exactly is Northwestern?

Hey guys, I'm looking into Northwestern and was just curious - where actually is it? Any details about the campus location, surrounding city, and overall vibe would be awesome.

7 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that! Northwestern University is located in Evanston, Illinois, right on the shore of Lake Michigan. The Evanston campus is the primary campus for undergraduates. It's pretty close to the city of Chicago - about 10-15 miles north, depending on where you're headed in the city.

Evanston itself is a vibrant college town with a nice balance of residential areas, small businesses, and places to eat - everything from coffee shops to fine dining. You get a very community-centric vibe from the neighborhoods.

The Northwestern campus is stunning. With fountains, tree-lined paths, and ivy-covered buildings, it blends classic college aesthetic with a modern feel. The fact that it's right on the shore of Lake Michigan is just a bonus - it makes for a wonderful backdrop.

As for the overall vibe, Northwestern has a reputation for academic intensity, but there's also a strong culture of extracurricular involvement. The university is big on music, theatre, and journalism. Plus, it's part of the Big Ten Conference, which brings a certain level of school spirit and sports excitement.

One other thing worth noting is that Northwestern has a shuttle system that can take you to downtown Chicago which provides a wealth of cultural experiences such as museums, theaters, and music festivals. So while you may be located in a suburban college town, the city's amenities are not far away.

7 months ago

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