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Any advice on the top majors to study at Notre Dame?

Hey everyone, I've been accepted to Notre Dame and I'm honestly stoked, but not sure what to major in. I'd be grateful for any advice on which majors Notre Dame really shines in.

7 months ago

Firstly, congratulations on your acceptance to Notre Dame! That's a great achievement. Now, to your question. Notre Dame is particularly well-regarded for several of its programs, including:

1. Business: The Mendoza College of Business is consistently ranked among the top undergraduate business schools. Popular majors include Finance and Accounting.

2. Political Science: Notre Dame boasts a particularly strong Political Science program, with a rich variety of courses and research opportunities. If you're interested in governmental systems or international relations, it could be a good fit.

3. Engineering: The College of Engineering offers comprehensive programs in Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Environmental Engineering to name a few.

4. Philosophy and Theology: Given Notre Dame's Catholic roots, it offers strong programs in Philosophy and Theology, emphasizing ethical understanding and critical analysis.

5. Architecture: The Architecture program is unique because it includes a compulsory year studying in Rome to gain first-hand knowledge.

Remember, the "best" major for you also depends heavily on your personal interests and career aspirations. Take some time to explore a variety of subjects—Notre Dame's curriculum encourages balanced, broad-based education. Since you're undecided, you can take advantage of the First Year of Studies program, designed to help students make an informed decision about their major. This program allows you to take classes in multiple disciplines before you declare your major.

7 months ago

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