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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does Nova Southeastern rank for Marine Biology?

I'm really interested in Marine Biology and Nova Southeastern has caught my eye. Does anyone know about their program? Is it considered strong in this field?

7 months ago

Nova Southeastern University indeed hosts a robust Marine Biology program. The Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography at Nova is home to the Marine Environmental Education Center and the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Research, the largest such research center in the United States. This allows students to have hands-on learning experiences on these one-of-a-kind facilities.

The curriculum incorporates multi-disciplinary coursework and intense research to prepare students for a range of career paths in the field. The faculty is made up of experienced professionals, many of whom are involved in groundbreaking research. These aspects combined with the unique learning and research opportunities make Nova Southeastern's program stand out.

Just remember that while the strength of a program is important, you should also factor in other things like fit and affordability when considering a college. Lastly, Nova's unique geographical location in South Florida can provide some experiential learning opportunities not available elsewhere. Make sure to also look into those if you decide to consider Nova.

7 months ago

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