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What's the student population like at UC Irvine?

Applying to UC Irvine and just wondering about the ballpark of their student population? Is it as crowded as it seems?

7 months ago

UC Irvine, as a large public university, does have a significant student population. As of the latest data, the university has over 36,000 students, about 30,000 of which are undergraduates. So, you can expect a fairly large student body with diverse backgrounds and interests.

Being part of a school with a relatively large student population has its advantages. You'll have access to a broad variety of clubs, organizations, and activities on campus. Additionally, there will be a diverse range of courses and professors to choose from, substantiating your academic experience.

However, it's crucial to note that large student populations can lead to large class sizes, especially during the first two years or in popular courses. As you progress into more specialized classes towards your major, you can anticipate class sizes to decrease and become more personalized.

Though it may seem crowded at first, you might find that the expansive campus and plethora of study spaces help manage the crowd. Additionally, it's very possible to find communities within the larger student body where you feel at home. Many students, despite the size, are able to find close-knit groups through their courses, extracurriculars or residence halls.

In all, attending a university with a large population, like UC Irvine, can be a vibrant, lively, and enriching experience.

7 months ago

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