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Considering Majoring in Nursing at Wichita State

Hey everyone, I'm a junior in high school, and I've been seriously contemplating majoring in nursing. Anyone here have any thoughts or experiences about the nursing program at Wichita State? What's so special about it? What should I look forward to or perhaps be concerned about?

7 months ago

Hello! If you're considering nursing, Wichita State's program is definitely a strong choice. They have a well-regarded School of Nursing with a track record of success. One factor that sets Wichita State apart is their focus on real-world experience; the program places a high emphasis on clinical practice and encourages students to apply theory to practice. This not only helps to build a strong foundation of knowledge but also allows for practical application of these principles.

In terms of specific aspects to look forward to, Wichita State's nursing program has a robust curriculum that covers an array of topics such as health policy, nursing research, nursing informatics, and community health nursing among others. The university's commitment to having a low student-to-faculty ratio also means you can expect to receive individualized attention and guidance from the faculty.

However, something to consider might be the competitiveness of the program - nursing is typically a high-demand program, and securing a spot could require a strong academic record and performance on entrance exams. Make sure to check the admissions criteria and prepare accordingly.

Finally, don't forget to check out the opportunities for internships or clinical rotations. Wichita State prides itself on its partnerships with healthcare facilities in the area, which can provide invaluable learning experiences and potential job prospects post-graduation.

In essence, choosing a nursing program should come down to what aligns best with your academic and career goals. Do your research, maybe visit the campus if possible, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the admissions office if you have specific questions!

7 months ago

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