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Communications Major at Ohio State?

Hey everyone, a junior here trying to get more info on Ohio State's communications major. What are the main highlights? Professors, course structure, internships? Any insight will be great!

7 months ago

Based on my understanding, Ohio State's communication program is quite comprehensive and has earned positive feedback. They cover a wide range of communication topics under various specializations, allowing you to focus on your areas of interest.

Many students mention the quality of the professors in the program. It seems that Ohio State boasts a faculty roster replete with teachers and scholars who are at the forefront of their respective fields. They bring their professional experience into the classroom, combining theory with application in real-world situations, which can be an invaluable asset as you prepare for a career in communications.

The course structure follows a mix of lectures, seminars, workshops, and project-based learning. This is designed to foster an interactive learning environment where you can cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Courses typically cover areas like interpersonal communication, public relations, marketing communication, and media studies.

In terms of internships, Ohio State's location in Columbus offers many opportunities. The city has a mix of businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations, all of which can create a wide array of internships for communication majors. Some students have interned at local television stations, advertising agencies, public relations firms, and more, gaining hands-on experience and building their professional network.

Additionally, Ohio State's strong alumni network can be quite beneficial. Alumni connections often help students with job placement upon graduation. You might be able to use those connections to secure internships or job opportunities in your field of interest.

Keep in mind, it would be great to reach out to current students or alumni to hear personal experiences within the program. You can also schedule a conversation with an academic advisor in the communication department to gain a deeper understanding of the program.

7 months ago

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