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Looking for Division 2 Colleges in Oklahoma

Hey guys, I'm an athlete currently in my junior year and I'm super interested in finding some good Division 2 colleges in Oklahoma. Do any of you have any recommendations or ideas about which schools would work out best for both my academics and athletics?

7 months ago

Absolutely! There are several NCAA Division II colleges in Oklahoma, and these schools offer a nice balance between competitive athletics and strong academics. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. Oklahoma Christian University: Particularly recognized for the strength of its business and engineering programs, the school is part of the Lone Star Conference. Their athletic teams, known as the Eagles, compete in several sports.

2. Cameron University: Located in Lawton, Cameron provides more than 50-degree programs and their athletic teams, the Aggies, are part of the Lone Star Conference.

3. East Central University: The Tigers, as their athletes are known, compete in the Great American Conference. Located in Ada, ECU is notable for programs in nursing, education, and environmental health science.

4. Northeastern State University: This university offers a wide variety of academic programs and their RiverHawks teams compete in many sports as part of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA).

5. University of Central Oklahoma: This institution offers an impressive lineup of majors and their athletic teams, The Bronchos, compete in the MIAA.

6. Southwestern Oklahoma State University: This university, located in Weatherford, has a wide array of degree programs. The SWOSU Bulldogs participate in the Great American Conference.

Remember, each college has its strengths and unique aspects, so consider your academic and athletic interests. I recommend checking out each individual school’s website and resources offered by NCAA Division II to get more information on athletic programs, scholarships, and academic programs. Be sure to reach out to the coaches at these schools and keep your high school coach involved in your recruiting process as well. They can be invaluable resources as you navigate this journey. Good luck!

7 months ago

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