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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Engineering Rankings for Old Dominion University?

Hi, so I'm in the process of researching colleges and I came across Old Dominion University. I'm most interested in their engineering program. Does anyone know where it ranks compared to other colleges? Any and all help would be great.

7 months ago

Old Dominion University is known for its engineering program, particularly in the civil and mechanical engineering specialties. While rankings may vary from source to source, it's typically not ranked among the very top engineering schools nationally, such as MIT or Stanford. However, do remember that rankings are not the only factor to consider when choosing an engineering program.

Consider looking at things like faculty, research opportunities, co-op programs, and job placement rates. Interactivity, hands-on experience, faculty approachability, and industry relationships can often be more valuable than a ranking number.

In the case of Old Dominion University, its Batten College of Engineering & Technology offers undergraduate degree programs in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Aerospace, and more. It also offers a co-op program which allows students to gain practical experience in their field of interest. The university has active research in several areas of engineering, and they collaborate with the nearby NASA Langley Research Center which can provide excellent opportunities.

Again, while rankings can be a guiding factor, it's important to not let them overshadow other practical considerations that will contribute heavily to your experience and future opportunities. When choosing a college, consider the whole package, rather than just one factor.

7 months ago

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