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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights into Ole Miss Academic Reputation?

Hey everyone, I've been eyeing Ole Miss for a while now, but I was wondering how it ranks acadically? I'd particularly like to hear from current or former students about the university's academic reputation. Thanks a lot!

7 months ago

Hello! The University of Mississippi, often known as "Ole Miss," generally carries a positive reputation for academics. U.S. News & World Report ranks Ole Miss #163 in National Universities. While not among the highest-ranked institutions, it's still respectable and offers a diverse range of academic programs.

The university is particularly well-respected for certain programs. For instance, its School of Law, School of Journalism, Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, and School of Accountancy have all received accolades for delivering a superior education.

That said, like with any university, your experience will strongly depend on the specific program you're looking into. Ole Miss has a relatively low student-to-faculty ratio, which means you're likely to have access to one-on-one time and guidance from your professors. However, it's crucial to research your prospective major and speak with students or alumni from that department to gather a more comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

When it comes to student experience, many praise Ole Miss for its supportive community, active student life, beautiful campus, and strong Southern charm. The college experience isn't just about academics—it's also importantly about how you fit into the campus culture and community.

Lastly, always remember that reputation isn't everything. The key is to find a school that aligns with your goals, offers programs that meet your academic preferences, and provides an environment in which you feel comfortable and supported.

7 months ago

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