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Questions About Business Degree Plan at Ole Miss

Hi community, I'm contemplating majoring in Business at Ole Miss and I'm trying to figure out what the degree plan looks like. Does anyone studying business there have any insights to share? Are there any required courses or other specifics I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! I can certainly share some insights pertaining to the Business degree plan at Ole Miss. The business program at Ole Miss is housed under the School of Business Administration, with undergraduate programs including a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with several different majors.

These majors include areas like Management, Marketing, Finance, Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, etc. Each of these majors have their own specific course requirements, in addition to the general education (Gen Ed) requirements for the university, as well as pre-business requirements which include courses in Accounting, Economics, Calculus, and Statistics.

The curriculum for each major typically consists of a mix of required core classes and elective courses within the major. For example, if you were to major in Finance, your required courses might include Corporate Finance, Investment Analysis, and International Financial Management, amongst others.

Keep in mind this is just a general overview and exact course names and requirements may differ. I would advise connecting with the Ole Miss School of Business Administration directly or checking their website for more detailed and current information. Apart from these, internships and real-world project-based learning are often encouraged and can provide a valuable edge when transitioning to the professional world.

All in all, Ole Miss offers a robust business education with a great variety of specializations to choose from. I hope this helps a bit and best of luck with your college decision-making process!

7 months ago

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