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Insight on Anthropology Major at Oregon State University?

Hi all, I am considering majoring in Anthropology and Oregon State University is on my list. Anyone got some insights on the Anthropology program at OSU? How is the department and what opportunities are available to Anthropology majors there?

7 months ago

Oregon State University does have a fairly robust Anthropology program with a variety of opportunities for students. The School offers a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with options to specialize in Archaeology, Biocultural, Cultural/Linguistic, and Evolutionary Anthropology. This allows you to align your studies with your specific interests within the field of anthropology.

The faculty in the department are well-regarded, with many currently engaged in active research that spans a range of topics, from human evolution to cultural foundations of societies. You'll find that they bring this research into the curriculum, giving you insight into cutting-edge theories and methodologies.

In terms of opportunities, OSU has a good selection of hands-on learning possibilities. Many anthropology students undertake field studies and internships, and there's an option for a practicum in public anthropology, which allows students to apply anthropological theories into real-world experience. Through the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts (URSA) program, students can gain first-hand experience in research, which can be particularly valuable if you're considering graduate studies.

One potential downside to OSU's Anthropology program might be that it’s not as internationally recognized as some other schools. Nonetheless, it offers a strong program with good resources, and many students have been able to leverage their studies and experiences at OSU into successful careers or further graduate study. As always, remember to consider how well the school matches your personal interests, career goals, and academic aspirations. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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