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Animal Science Major at Penn State?

Hey, guys. Looking into Animal Science major at Penn State. Could anyone share their experiences or current opportunities in the field there? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Absolutely! Penn State's Department of Animal Science is known for its strong commitment to both the academic and career-oriented success of its students. As a student in this major, you'll have the opportunity to engage in a blend of classroom instruction, laboratory experiments, and hands-on experience at university-managed farms and facilities for beef cattle, dairy cows, swine, sheep, and horses. This practical training aspect of the degree is a major highlight for students, and greatly contributes to their understanding and application of learnt principles.

There are also several student-run organizations related to the field, such as the Dairy Science Club and Block and Bridle Club. Participation in these clubs could widen your network and offer direct insight into the animal science field. Interestingly, the Dairy Science Club at Penn State is consistently named the top club in the country, which really highlights the depth of engagement from faculty and students.

The department also has a robust research program that students can participate in. These research projects often result in publications, which could be a huge advantage if you're considering grad school. Furthermore, the program offers numerous opportunities for internships and study abroad, which could provide additional experiences and networking opportunities.

Lastly, Penn State's Animal Science alumni are well-respected and work in a wide variety of careers across the industry, which could lead to some great networking opportunities and potentially even job prospects post-graduation.

Of course, the value of a program can be influenced by what you're seeking to get out of it, so I would encourage you to reach out to some current students or alumni from the program for their personal experiences and advice.

7 months ago

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