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How is Penn State's Finance program ranked?

Hey everyone! So, I'm really interested in finance and have been considering Penn State for my undergraduate studies. Has anyone attended their finance program? How competitive and well-ranked is it? I'd love to hear your experiences as well!

7 months ago

Penn State University has a highly reputable Finance program. It's known for offering a robust curriculum that blends both theoretical and practical skills, with various opportunities for internships, case study analyses, and networking with industry professionals. For rankings, Penn State's Finance program usually falls within the top 25 to 30 in the United States, according to various business school rankings.

Bear in mind that the strength of a program isn't solely defined by its ranking - the quality and depth of the curriculum, the faculty's expertise, and opportunities for internships and career advancement all play crucial roles. Penn State ticks many of these boxes, with a well-rounded study program backed by industry-experienced faculty, and great relationship with financial institutions for internships and job placements.

Hope this helps you navigate your decision-making process!

7 months ago

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