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Any thoughts on Journalism at Penn State University?

Hey folks, I'm interested in studying journalism for my undergrad and have been looking at Penn State University. Can anyone share their experiences or insight on the journalism program there? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Absolutely, happy to share some information!

Penn State's Journalism program falls under the umbrella of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. It's a comprehensive program that teaches not only the basic skills you'll need as a journalist—research, reporting, writing, and editing—but also how to use the latest digital and multimedia technology. This technological savvy is increasingly important as journalism becomes more and more digital.

One of the phenomenal things about Penn State's Journalism program is their hands-on approach. There are opportunities to work on media outlets like The Daily Collegian (one of the country's most recognized student newspapers) right from your freshman year. This gives you the chance to apply what you're learning and amass a ton of experience that can be invaluable when you start job hunting.

The school also has awesome connections in the field. Thanks to the Alumni Society Board, you gain access to hundreds of Penn State alums who can offer mentorship, resources, and potentially job and internship opportunities.

Penn State's Journalism program also emphasizes ethics and credibility in journalism. As important as the technical skills are, this program ensures that you understand the responsibility that comes along with being a journalist and the guidelines that you'll need to adhere to in the industry. That’s a huge plus in my opinion.

Overall, it's an immersive and competitive program that gives a solid foundation for anyone looking to enter the field of journalism. Be prepared to challenge yourself and take full advantage of the opportunities that are offered. Good luck!

7 months ago

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