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Graduation rates at Pennsylvania State University?

Hello everyone, I'm curious about the graduation rate at Pennsylvania State University. I think it can be a good indicator of student learning and support. Does anyone know their graduation rate or where I can find this information?

7 months ago

Hello! Absolutely, graduation rates are a great metric to look into when researching schools as they can indicate a multitude of factors. For Pennsylvania State University, based on the most recent data available, the six-year graduation rate for students who entered as freshmen is 72%. This means that of all the students who began as first-time, full-time students, 72% of them completed their degree within six years. Please note that this number can vary a bit depending on the specific campus of Penn State you're interested in.

You can typically find this type of information directly on the university's website, typically under their facts and figures or institutional research pages. Another reputable source is the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) which maintains a comprehensive database of different statistics, including graduation rates, for virtually every university and college in the U.S.

Keep in mind that the graduation rate is but one factor to consider when looking at how a university supports its students. You might also want to look into resources like academic advising, mental health support, and tutoring services, as well as students' satisfaction with these services. This can often be found through surveys or testimonials from current students or recent graduates.

7 months ago

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