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Considering Majoring in Philosophy at Berkeley?

Hi everybody! I'm currently exploring my major options and I've always loved philosophy, but I want to make sure it's the right move. Can anyone share their experience as a philosophy major at UC Berkeley? What kind of opportunities and courses are available?

7 months ago

Sure, I can provide some insights into the Philosophy major at UC Berkeley! The Department of Philosophy at UC Berkeley is one of the top-ranked in the world, with a great faculty known for its research and teaching.

Berkeley offers a diverse range of courses in various subfields of philosophy. You'll find options in ancient philosophy, philosophy of language, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics, among others. These courses tend to foster critical thinking, argument analysis, and deep understanding of complex theories and concepts.

In terms of opportunities, philosophy majors have access to various academic resources, such as the Howison Lectures in Philosophy or the Townsend Center for the Humanities. The department also hosts regular colloquiums, workshops, and talks from visiting scholars, providing a great platform to engage more with the field and its community. There's also the undergraduate Philosophy Club, where you can share insights and thoughts with similar-minded peers.

Career-wise, philosophy majors develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills, making them equally suited for a wide range of paths including law, business, academia, and public service. Berkeley also has an excellent Career Center that can help you identify potential career paths and provide resources for job-seeking.

Just remember that your enjoyment of the subject and your passion for studying it should play a major role in your decision to major in philosophy. Majoring in a field you love can make your college experience more enjoyable and academically rewarding.

7 months ago

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