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Good Photography Colleges in Texas?

Howdy folks! I am an aspiring photographer, currently looking for colleges with strong photography programs. I'm based in Texas and would prefer colleges in this state. Any recommendations?

7 months ago

Certainly! Texas has a number of universities with exemplary photography programs. Three that stand out are the University of North Texas (UNT), Texas Tech University (TTU), and the University of Houston (UH).

At the University of North Texas, you can look into their Photography program under the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art degree. This program is well-known for its strong emphasis on the development of technical competence, experimentation, and individual creative growth.

Texas Tech University also has a promising curriculum in the field of photography. They offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Studio Art with a concentration in Photography. This program is appreciated for its focus on developing students' conceptual skills and creative voice through technical instruction and regular critiques.

Lastly, the University of Houston offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography/Digital Media. This competitive program emphasizes not just formal techniques, but also the history, theory, and criticism of photography, preparing students for a variety of careers in the field.

Each of these programs offer a unique blend of technical training and artistic development that will help you grow as a photographer. Remember that visiting these campuses (if you're able to), speaking with current students, and connecting with faculty may provide you further insights into what program might be the best fit for you. Do remember to consider factors such as class size, equipment/resources available, opportunities for exhibitions, and internships while making your decision. Good luck!

7 months ago

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