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How's Political Science at UCSD?

Hi guys, I've been interested in politics for as long as I can remember, and naturally Political Science is a major that I'm considering. I've been looking at UCSD and wanted to know if anyone here could share their experiences with the Political Science program? What are the program's strengths? Thanks!

7 months ago

UCSD has a robust Political Science program, renowned for its strength in empirical and theoretical research in both domestic and international politics. It offers a broad range of courses across five subfields: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology, and political theory. This diversity allows students to delve into the aspects of political science that most interest them.

In terms of instruction, many students have noted that the faculty is knowledgeable and experienced, often sharing real-world experience from their research or involvement in politics. Professors not only help students understand complex political theories and concepts, but they also tie in contemporary issues, helping students connect these theories to real-world political situations.

As for research opportunities, UCSD offers several. The university has an esteemed faculty that's involved in cutting-edge political science research. As a result, there are ample opportunities for students interested in research to get involved with faculty-led research projects, often leading to co-written papers. Furthermore, UCSD also hosts the annual student-run undergraduate research conference where students have the opportunity to present their research projects.

In terms of career possibilities, UCSD has many resources to help students prepare for the job market or for graduate studies. The university's career center is a great resource for internship and job opportunities, and their alumni network is also quite strong. Many graduates go on to rewarding careers in government, non-profits, academia, law, business, journalism, and international organizations.

Keep in mind, your experience will heavily depend on your particular interests, goals, and the effort you put into taking advantage of these opportunities. In general, the consensus is that UCSD's Political Science program offers a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. However, it's also a good idea to reach out to current students or alumni to get a more personal perspective on their experiences.

7 months ago

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