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What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Polk State College Application Odds?

Hi everyone, I'm a junior and have started to look into Polk State College. Trying not to stress too much about this, but, does anyone know what their acceptance rate is? I'm just trying to get a realistic idea of my chances and how much work I've got cut out for me in this process. Appreciate any help!

7 months ago

Polk State College has an impressive acceptance rate of 100%. This reflects the college's commitment to make higher education accessible to as many students as possible. So, for you as an applicant, this translates into a very good chance of acceptance as long as you meet the basic admission requirements - typically, this involves graduating high school, completing your college application accurately, and meeting any course prerequisites.

While the acceptance rate is comforting, remember to take your application seriously. Even open-admission colleges will carefully review your application, and a strong application can lead to more opportunities, such as being eligible for certain programs, honors, or scholarships. Focus on maintaining good grades, and use your application to highlight your interests and achievements.

Finally, while figuring out your odds is a critical part of the admissions process, don't let it stress you out too much. This journey is also about finding the right fit for you - a school where you'll be happy, thrive, and be set up for success post-graduation.

7 months ago

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