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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the student vibe at Murray State University?

Hello, I'm a high school junior and Murray State University has popped up on my radar recently. While looking into it, I've had a hard time finding out about the size of the student population. I think the overall size could really impact my experience - community vibe, class size, etc. Does anyone here have any info about this?

7 months ago

Murray State University is quite a vibrant and close-knit community. As per the latest data, the student population is currently around 10,000, with both undergraduate and graduate students included. The class sizes tend to be small, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 15:1, which allows for more individualized attention and interactions between students and professors.

The smaller size of the university also lends to a community-oriented atmosphere on campus. Many students have shared that they appreciate the inclusive and supportive culture. Campus events, clubs, and activities also offer ample opportunities for socializing and forming connections with other students. For instance, the annual Homecoming events, clubs related to specific majors, and intramural sports teams are all popular ways for students to get involved.

Keep in mind, however, that everyone's experience can be different. While many enjoy the close-knit, community-focused environment that smaller universities like Murray State can provide, others might prefer a larger, more urban university with a multitude of resources and options. It all comes down to what you're looking for in your college experience.

7 months ago

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