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Sam Houston State University, what's the population like?

Hey, I'm a junior in high school and I'm just starting to dive into the college search. I want to have a balanced college experience, not too much of a small town vibe or too swallowed up in a large city. Does anyone here know what the student population of Sam Houston State University is, and how it affects student life?

7 months ago

Sure, I can help with that! Sam Houston State University, located in Huntsville, Texas, has about 20,000 students. That includes both undergraduate and graduate enrollments, so your experience might differ a bit depending on which programs you engage with. However, in general, having that many students usually provides a nice balance between a wide range of opportunities and that personal connection you're seeking.

You're likely to have a big enough student body to support a wide array of clubs and organizations, sports and intramurals, and various programs and events, so you'll definitely have the chance to explore various interests. At the same time, it's not so enormous that you'll feel like just a face in the crowd. You'll likely have opportunities to make close-knit groups of friends and connect with faculty and staff in a meaningful way.

Talking about the town itself, Huntsville, it's kind of a small town but with a university influence. It's not as bustling as large city campuses can be, but it definitely has a lot to offer. There are outdoor activities, local shops and restaurants, and community events that are all part of the Huntsville experience. Plus, if you're craving that big city vibe, Houston is just over an hour's drive away!

So, overall, I'd say that if you're looking to avoid an extremely small or overwhelmingly large college experience, Sam Houston State University presents a nice balance. You will still get plenty of opportunities for student engagement and personal development while enjoying a comfortable and intimate university experience.

7 months ago

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