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How Does SCAD Rank?

I've heard mixed reviews about SCAD's ranking. Some say it's good, others aren't so sure. Can anyone help me understand their rank better? Does the ranking really matter when it comes to job placement in the creative field?

6 days ago

Sure, I'd be glad to help clarify the confusion surrounding SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design)'s ranking.

Rankings for art and design schools can be somewhat tricky because they often require looking at specialized publications that focus on arts education, such as the Hollywood Reporter (for entertainment arts) or DesignIntelligence (for architecture and design programs). Given the diversity of SCAD's programs – which span from film and television to fashion design – the school may receive different rankings depending on the area of study examined.

One of the most prominent general visuals arts rankings, the QS World University Rankings, places SCAD among the top 15 institutions in the world for art and design. However, this is an overall ranking and it's advisable to look at program-specific rankings depending on your intended major.

As to your second question, the ranking of your art school can matter, but often what is even more important is the work that you, as a student, produce during your time there, as well as the professional connections you make. Ultimately, potential employers in the creative field will be much more interested in your portfolio and the work you are able to produce rather than only the name or rank of your school.

Additionally, many students and professionals in the creative field emphasize the importance of the peer environment, faculty, and resources available at the school. SCAD is widely recognized for its strong faculty and network, which could be a significant asset in your job search after graduation.

Therefore, while SCAD's ranking is certainly something to consider, it's not the end-all-be-all. Consider visiting the school and talking to current students or alumni if you're unsure – they can often provide the most accurate information about the school's strengths and weaknesses in your field of interest.

Remember, the best college for you is not necessarily the highest ranked one, but the one that will provide you the resources you need to succeed in your individual goals and aspirations.

6 days ago

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