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Best undergraduate history programs?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior starting to look at colleges, and I'm really passionate about history. Any suggestions for the top undergraduate history schools in the US? Any advice would also be appreciated!

2 days ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're passionate about history. As you begin your college search, you'll find many great schools with strong history programs for undergraduates. Some of the top history programs in US can be found at the following schools:

1. Harvard University

2. Yale University

3. Princeton University

4. Stanford University

5. University of Chicago

6. Columbia University

7. University of California, Berkeley

8. University of California, Los Angeles

9. University of Pennsylvania

10. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

These schools are highly selective and have esteemed faculty who specialize in various aspects of history. To increase your chances of getting into these programs, make sure to maintain a high GPA, excel in a challenging course rigor, and focus on developing a well-rounded application with strong extracurriculars—particularly in the field of history. For example, you might lead a history club or participate in a regional or national history-related competition.

In addition to the top programs, consider some of the excellent liberal arts colleges with strong history departments, such as:

1. Williams College

2. Amherst College

3. Swarthmore College

4. Bowdoin College

5. Pomona College

Liberal arts colleges can provide smaller class sizes, which may offer more personalized attention and closer relationships with professors.

Finally, research the specific historical periods, regions, or topics you're most interested in, as different schools may have different strengths. Look at the courses offered, faculty bios, and research opportunities available to undergraduates at each institution to better assess which school aligns with your interests.

Good luck with your college search!

2 days ago

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