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Top schools for international studies?

Hi! I'm a high school junior super interested in pursuing international studies in college. Could you all recommend some of the top undergraduate programs for this? Thanks in advance!

2 days ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're interested in pursuing international studies. There are many excellent schools that offer strong programs in this field. Here are a few of the top programs for international studies at the undergraduate level:

1. Georgetown University - School of Foreign Service: Georgetown is renowned for its School of Foreign Service, which offers various programs focusing on international affairs, economics, politics, and culture. Many students choose the International Politics major but there are other options available as well.

2. Johns Hopkins University - School of Advanced International Studies: Although the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) primarily caters to graduate students, Johns Hopkins does offer a competitive undergraduate program in international studies, which provides a well-rounded education in global issues.

3. Tufts University - The Fletcher School: While The Fletcher School is mainly a graduate institution, Tufts has a highly regarded undergraduate program in international relations. It covers a wide range of topics, including diplomacy, economics, and political science.

4. Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs: Princeton offers a strong undergraduate program through its Woodrow Wilson School. Students pursuing international studies as a major will have access to a variety of disciplines, such as international relations, global history, and political science.

5. Yale University - Jackson Institute for Global Affairs: Yale offers a multidisciplinary undergraduate program in global affairs, which focuses on major global issues and challenges. Students have the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of faculty from various academic backgrounds.

6. Harvard University - International Relations Concentration: Harvard has a robust international relations program embedded within its government concentration. Students can choose specialized pathways in international relations, which allows them to focus on specific topics within the larger scope of international studies.

7. American University - School of International Service: American University's School of International Service offers a range of undergraduate programs in international studies with various specializations, including international politics, development, and communication.

These are just a few of the many top colleges offering excellent programs in international studies. As you research, consider exploring each institution's specific curriculum, faculty, study abroad opportunities, internships, and other available resources to determine which program best aligns with your interests and goals. Good luck!

2 days ago

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