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Searching for the best music therapy colleges

Hey guys, I'm a junior trying to find the perfect college for me. Music therapy really caught my interest and I want to pursue it as my career. What are some of the top music therapy colleges in the states? Any tips or suggestions would be amazing!

2 days ago

Hi there! It's wonderful that you're interested in pursuing music therapy as a career. There are several excellent schools in the United States with strong music therapy programs. Here are a few you might want to consider:

1. Berklee College of Music (Boston, MA) - Known for its comprehensive music therapy program, Berklee provides students with in-depth training in therapeutic techniques and practice. Students also have access to various clinical placements and internship opportunities.

2. Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) - Temple's Boyer College of Music and Dance offers a Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy degree. They provide extensive training in clinical practice and research, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

3. New York University (New York, NY) - NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development provides undergraduate and graduate programs in music therapy. Their renowned faculty, internship opportunities, and urban location make it a highly appealing choice.

4. University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL) - The Frost School of Music at the University of Miami boasts extensive facilities for music therapy training, including an on-site clinic. Students get to work with diverse populations and gain hands-on experience in various healthcare settings.

5. Loyola University (New Orleans, LA) - Loyola offers a Bachelor of Music Therapy degree that combines music therapy coursework with practical experience. Students have access to a wide range of clinical placements throughout the New Orleans area.

When researching which music therapy program is right for you, consider factors such as faculty, available resources, clinical opportunities, and location. You may want to visit the schools and talk with current students or alumni to hear about their experiences.

Additionally, check out the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) website for more information on the profession and educational programs available. Best of luck on your college search!

2 days ago

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