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Best real estate programs in college?

Hey guys, I'm a junior who's pretty sure I want to study real estate in college. What are the top colleges with great real estate programs? I'd appreciate any suggestions or personal experiences!

2 days ago

Hi! It's great that you're interested in pursuing real estate in college. There are several universities known for their exceptional real estate programs, ranging from dedicated real estate schools to specialized courses within broader business programs. Here are a few notable colleges to consider:

1. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School) - Wharton's Real Estate Department is considered one of the best in the country, offering a robust undergraduate program in which you can major or concentrate in real estate.

2. University of Wisconsin-Madison (Wisconsin School of Business) - The Graaskamp Center for Real Estate, within the Wisconsin School of Business, provides undergraduate students with a comprehensive real estate education and opportunities to connect with industry professionals.

3. University of Southern California (USC) - USC's Sol Price School of Public Policy offers a Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Development, which combines courses on urban planning, architecture, business, and public policy.

4. New York University (NYU) - The Schack Institute of Real Estate at NYU's School of Professional Studies offers an undergraduate major in Real Estate with access to exceptional faculty and networking opportunities in the heart of New York City.

5. Cornell University – The Baker Program in Real Estate at Cornell offers a unique interdisciplinary curriculum combining business, architecture, and hospitality. While Baker is a graduate program, undergraduates at Cornell have the opportunity to minor in real estate or participate in the Real Estate Club.

6. Florida State University (FSU) - FSU's College of Business offers a Bachelor of Science in Real Estate, with a focus on finance, investments, and market analysis.

7. Texas A&M University – The Mays Business School at Texas A&M offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance with a focus on real estate, and an active Real Estate Club for networking and experiential learning.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other colleges with strong real estate programs. When researching programs, consider factors like location, internship opportunities, and connections to real estate professionals in addition to the program's curriculum. Good luck with your college search!

2 days ago

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