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Theater schools in the US?

Hey, I'm really passionate about theater and want to pursue it in college. Can anyone give me a list of the best theater schools in the US? I'm a junior, and I want to make sure I apply to places with strong theater programs. Thanks!

2 days ago

There are many excellent theater schools in the US, each with unique strengths and focuses. Here's a list of some well-regarded theater schools:

1. Juilliard School (New York, NY) - Renowned for its rigorous conservatory-style training in performing arts.

2. New York University (NYU) - Tisch School of the Arts (New York, NY) - Offers a well-rounded theater program with strong industry connections.

3. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) - Known for its outstanding acting, design, and technical programs.

4. Yale University (New Haven, CT) - Yale School of Drama offers graduate-level training, and Yale College allows undergraduates to get involved in theater through various extracurricular activities and courses.

5. University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) - The USC School of Dramatic Arts has strong ties to the entertainment industry.

6. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - The UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television allows students to explore various aspects of theater, as well as film and television production.

7. Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) - Known for its comprehensive theater program and excellent faculty.

8. Boston University (Boston, MA) - The BU College of Fine Arts offers a hands-on, career-focused theater program.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more colleges and universities with strong theater programs. Keep in mind that the best fit for your needs may depend on the type of theater you're interested in (e.g., acting, directing, design) and the overall campus environment.

As you narrow down your list, consider visiting the schools, if possible, and attending theater performances on campus to get a feel for the program. Additionally, pay attention to alumni success in the theater industry as a clue to the program's overall strength.

Best of luck with your search! Theater is a fascinating and rewarding field to pursue.

2 days ago

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