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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I create my college list for a Pre-Med Track?

Hello! I'm a junior preparing for the college application process and I'm interested in pursuing a Pre-Med track. How should I approach creating my college list to ensure I'm considering the right factors and schools for my future goals? Is there anything specific I should be looking for when researching potential schools? Any guidance would be great!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're starting to plan your college list for a Pre-Med track. To help you make your list, check out our list of the best colleges for pre-med: https://www.collegevine.com/schools/best-colleges-for-pre-med

To answer your question, there are a few factors to consider when choosing schools that can support your goals.

First, look for schools with strong science programs, as you'll mainly be taking science courses during your undergraduate years. It's useful to check out the school's facilities, faculty, and research opportunities for undergraduates.

Next, consider the success rate of students applying to medical school from the undergraduate institution. Some colleges have pre-med advising offices that can provide more guidance and support throughout the process.

Additionally, think about the environment you'll thrive in—whether it's a large university, small liberal arts college, or something in between. It's important to be in a setting where you can excel academically and personally.

Finally, make sure to have a balanced list with reach, match, and safety schools to maximize your chances of admission. Best of luck with your college search and your future in the medical field!

a year ago

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