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Best Colleges for Undergrad Physical Therapy?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior in high school and I'm super interested in physical therapy as a career. Do you guys know some good colleges with solid undergrad programs in PT? Any advice on where to look is very appreciated!

4 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're interested in pursuing a career in physical therapy! While there isn't a specific undergraduate degree for physical therapy, you can major in a related field like kinesiology, exercise science, or physiology, which will serve as a strong foundation for a future Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program.

Some colleges with excellent programs in related fields include:

1. University of Southern California (USC) - Offers a Bachelor's in Human Biology with a concentration in Applied Physiology, as well as a highly respected DPT program.

2. University of Michigan (UMich) - Offers a variety of relevant majors, such as Kinesiology and Movement Science.

3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Offers several majors in related fields like Kinesiology and Community Health.

4. University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW Madison) - Offers a Kinesiology major with options to focus on Exercise and Movement Science or Physical Education Teacher Education.

These are just a few options, but many universities offer solid undergraduate programs that can help prepare you for a career in physical therapy. To identify more schools, you can research colleges that have strong kinesiology, exercise science, or physiology programs. Additionally, you can look for schools with strong pre-health advising and resources, as they'll be able to help guide you in the right direction for securing internships or research opportunities to make your application more competitive for DPT programs.

Remember, your goal should be to gain a strong foundation in a related undergraduate major, complete prerequisite courses for DPT programs, and gain relevant hands-on experience through internships, research, or volunteering. If you manage all of this, you'll be well-prepared for the transition into a DPT program and eventually a successful career in physical therapy. Good luck on your journey!

4 months ago

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