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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Boston University in Boston?

I know Boston University is obviously in Boston 😅, but can someone give me a better idea of its specific location in the city?

3 days ago

Boston University (BU) is situated in the heart of Boston, along the Charles River, which separates the city from Cambridge. The main campus lies in an area called Fenway-Kenmore, which is home to several colleges and universities as well as the iconic Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox. BU's campus spans over 1.3 miles along Commonwealth Avenue, a major thoroughfare, making it easy to travel throughout the city.

The campus is centrally located between Back Bay, a shopping and cultural hub, and Allston, a vibrant neighborhood with a lot of food options and a popular nightlife scene. Moreover, it's just a short walk or T (Boston's public transportation system) ride away from downtown Boston, where you can find historical sites and attractions like the Freedom Trail, Quincy Market, and the Boston Common.

In summary, Boston University enjoys an ideal location, offering students a balance between campus life and the opportunities that come with living in a major city.

3 days ago

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